Sessions and csrf in rails.
Most apps need to be able to store some data about a user. Maybe it’s a user id, or a preferred language. session is the perfect place to put this kind of data. Little bits of data you want to keep around for more than one request.
are easy to use:
session[:current_user_id] =
What is a session?
A session is just a place to store data during one request that you can read during later requests.
You can set some data in a controller action:
def create
# ...
session[:current_user_id] =
# ...
And read it in another:
def index
current_user = User.find_by_id(session[:current_user_id])
# ...
It might not seem that interesting.
But it takes coordination between your user’s browser and
your Rails app to make everything connect up.
And it all starts with cookies
When you request a webpage, the server can set a cookie when it responds back.
Your browser will store those cookies.
And until the cookie expires,
every time you make a request,
your browser will send the cookies back to the server.
This cookie contains your rails session you have been using.
Cross-Site Request Forgery
Lets say you are logged in on and in another tab you have opened a hacker’s website. Which is urging you to click a image saying you will get 100 coins. But actually it will send a request to deleting all mails. This request will be successful because browser will send cookie along with the request and in this cookie your current gmail session exists.
How to prevent CSRF?
Synchronizer token pattern (STP) is a technique where a token, secret and unique value for each request, is embedded by the web application in all HTML forms and verified on the server side.
How does the token look like?
The token will be added automatically to every form like this:
<input name="authenticity_token" type="hidden" value="OXuQV+9Q1hi5YkeynLQgVddCRfdUwl0huvqSjoqf4mE=" />.
The same token is in user’s session. On every request the token in session and the token in HTML form are compared on the server side and if they match
only then the request is completed.The purpose of the token is that an attacker doesn’t know the victim’s
token and thus a CSRF attack without that token would be refused.
Protect CSRF in Rails app
The CSRF protection can be turned on with the protect_from_forgery
controller method and is included in the ApplicationController
by default.
So for every non-GET (and non-HEAD) action Rails will check the authenticity token.
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
# Prevent CSRF attacks by raising an exception.
# For APIs, you may want to use :null_session instead.
protect_from_forgery with: :exception